Wednesday, 24 April 2013

A spring in our steps

So it finally looks like Spring has sprung and the temperature has at last increased in the Wood Workshop. It looks like its had a positive effect on the students with many of them well under way towards their final work for the summer shows. Below are some images taken from the past week along with some from the second part of the MA Interim Show, In Two Parts.

Very nice little detailed scaled model for a climbing, sitting concept. 
Cavity walls for Eleanora's scaled model. 
Eleanora starts to fit the elements together for her model. 
Our new suggestion box! 
Max looks to Route the edge of his curving structure. 

Cilla checks the alignment of her ever growing caravan.
Weng helps to drill for a pivot point
A simple Tripod 
A very lovely series of photos showing a scaled model made of Birch Faced Ply opening up to become a piece of furniture.

John helps Cilla finish off the door opening. 

Max Armed with a router begins work on a cutlery tray 
Reuben tests his track for a film piece he is working on 

In Two Parts, Part 2

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